In this article you will learn how to add or link contacts from ChatMate Pro to Daylite. To find out how to establish a connection between ChatMate and Daylite, click here
Link an existing contact in Daylite:
- Open ChatMate Pro and select a chat participant
- If the phone number of the chat participant has not yet been linked to a person or company in Daylite, the Daylite icon to the right of the contact name will be greyed out.
- Click on the grey icon (See screenshot)
- A window will open in Daylite giving you the option to link the phone number to an existing contact if Daylite already finds a person or company with the same name
- Confirm the existing contact with a double-click
- The phone number of the chat participant is automatically transferred to the contact
Create a new contact in Daylite:
- Open ChatMate Pro and select a chat participant
- If the phone number of the chat participant has not yet been linked to a person or company in Daylite, the Daylite icon to the right of the contact name will be greyed out.
- Click on the grey icon
- A window opens in Daylite which gives you the possibility to create a new person or a new company in Daylite
- Select one of the two options by double-clicking on it
- A data entry screen opens in which Daylite automatically fills in the Name and Phone number fields.
- You can now complete and finish the contact
After a contact has been successfully linked, the Daylite icon is displayed in colour.
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