In the bottom right corner of each project web page there is a comment window.
To leave a comment, the commenter must enter his name and can then enter a text and send it with the return key or by clicking on the send icon.
Daylite will then automatically create a note called Web Link Comments. Each new comment will be added to this note.
Within the project mask in Daylite there is a display of all comments in the widget area (bottom right). Alternatively, you can also open the note.
If you have given the recipient permission to edit the tasks and mark them as completed when sharing the project, the following window opens when you click on a task. In this window, the recipient has the option of explicitly writing a message for this task or marking this task as completed.
As soon as a user has left a message or comment, or a task has been ticked off as completed, you will receive a notification in your Daylite toolbar.
Related Articles:
What does a third party see in iOWeblink?
How do I know when there is a new comment via iOWeblink?
Can I restrict which Daylite users can share projects?