Project and Task Management
- How do I create a task in Daylite?
- How do I create an activity set?
- How do I manage and prioritize tasks in Daylite?
- How do I manage and delegate tasks in a team?
- How do I link Daylite for iOS/iPadOS with the Apple Reminders App?
- Import tasks from reminders into Daylite
- How do I delegate tasks?
- How do I set today as the default due date for Daylite tasks?
- How do I set due dates for Daylite tasks with the mini-calendar?
- Can I sort tasks by date in Daylite?
- How do I create a subtask in Daylite?
- How do turn a subtask into a regular task?
- How often are completed Daylite tasks removed from the worklist?
- How can I create a new project?
- How can I add people to a project?
- How do I organize and prioritize tasks in a project?
- How do I create a project from an opportunity?
- How do I create and use pipelines in Daylite?
- Can I re-arrange my pipeline stages or delete them after applying them to Daylite?
- How can I fill projects and opportunities with data from the start?
- How do I delete a task list in Daylite?