With our iOSXpert plugin ProductivityTools you can creat email templates, to message your contacts directly out of Daylite. This article covers how you can use information from forms, projects or even the Zoom integration in your templates.
If you plan to send a newsletter or other email to many recipients simultaneously, we recommend you use our plugin Marketing&Chat.
To use details from forms, projects or the Zoom integration in your templates, follow these steps:
- In the menubar, navigate to Plugins -> ProductivityTools -> Preferences -> Email Templates
- Create a new email template or select an existing one
- Zoom details can also be used for appointment invitations
- Adjust the template to your needs
- Insert Merge-Keys (placeholders / variables) from the library via drag and drop to insert Daylite information (example: company name)
- Merge-Keys fo projects and forms can be found in the corresponding sections in the library
- Zoom Merge-Keys are located in Appointment -> Zoom
- Save the template
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