If you create an estimate in Daylite, the plugin ProductivityTools makes it possible to submit it to the online service SimpleSign. So your estimate can be signed directly online by your customer.
Please first have a look at this article to learn how to set up the Daylite-SimpleSign integration:
How do I configure the SimpleSign-Daylite integration?
Sending an estimate from Daylite with SimpleSign
If you create an estimate in Daylite, it will be shown in a separate preview window.
To send the link to the customer via email for signing the estimate in SimpleSign directly, please check the boxes for Send via email, as well as Use SimpleSign and select the appropriate email template for sending the estimate.
The ProductivityTools provide an example email template for the use of SimpleSign:
[EN] Estimate example SimpleSign
Alternatively, use your own ProductivityTools email templates, or create new templates.
You can also open your ProductivityTools email templates from this dialog to edit them using the Edit Email Templates option.
Related articles
What are the ProductivityTools?
How do I create email templates with ProductivityTools?
What is SimpleSign?
How do I configure the SimpleSign-Daylite integration?