Daylite makes it easy for you to adjust the preferences for Pipelines. If'ld you first like to get to know how to use pipelines, please have a look at this article:
How do I create and use pipelines in Daylite?
Customize preferences for Pipelines
- Via the Daylite menu bar, please navigate to Daylite -> Preferences and select Pipelines
- Your existing Pipelines are displayed on the left side of the window
- Click on the "+" or "-" icons to either add or delete a Pipeline or click Duplicate to work with a copy of a selected and existing Pipeline
- Clicking on the name of a pipeline in the main edit window lets you provide or change the Pipeline's name, enter a description and determine if it should apply to projects or opportunities. The Active checkbox determines if the Pipeline is available in Daylite
- In order to adjust a Pipeline stage, click on the name of the stage to expand the popout menu. Here you can provide a name and description for the stage and make changes to the order of the stages
- Each stage lets you add tasks and appointments by clicking on either New task or New appointment. If you like you can use the variable @@ in the title - this automatically takes over the name of the associated project or opportunity