The iOSXpert PluginCenter includes a feature that displays primary indicators on Daylite contacts.
Primary indicators () show you in a person or company record in Daylite which address data (phone number, e-mail address or postal address) is used by default, for example when you call a contact, send an e-mail or create an estimate in Daylite.
The primary indicators can be found for the address, email, and phone numbers of contacts and are divided into three levels:
= Entry is primary
= Entry is secondary (only possible for telephone numbers)
= Entry is not primary or secondary for telephone numbers
Set addresses as primary
For setting a postal address or e-mail address of a person or company data record as primary, click on the grey star. The selected address will now be saved as the primary address used and will be displayed first.
There are two ways to set primary phone numbers:
1. set secondary number primary
Click on the star next to the secondary phone number to set it to primary. The primary phone number is now saved as the secondary phone number.
2. set other number primary
For phone numbers that are not secondary you have the possibility to set them to primary or secondary after clicking on the star.
Disable primary counters
You can deactivate the function of the primary indicators via the Daylite menu bar -> Plugins -> PluginCenter -> Hide Primary Indicators in Edit Card. Afterwards you have to restart Daylite once to make the changes visible.
Take a look at this article to learn how to set addresses and phone numbers as primary:
How do I set a phone number or address as primary?