With the travel time calculation, you have the option of calculating the arrival and departure time and having this created as an appointment in Daylite.
The travel time calculation is an exclusive Plus Package for Daylite Feature, which extends the functionality of your Web&Map plugin.
- Create an appointment and enter your destination address in it.
- Open the travel calculation widget in Copilot.
- Define your start address.
- This can be the address of your identity or the address stored in your contact. You can also use the address of the company linked to you, a customised address or the address of the last appointment.
- You can find more information here
4. Â You can make various default settings for all journey time calculations using the standard settings.
- Which start address should be used
- Which type of transportation should be used
(for technical reasons, no visual route is displayed for public transportation)
- Whether you want to have a buffer time between arrival and the actual appointment, e.g. if you still have to walk from the car park to the actual appointment.
- Which category the travel time appointments should have, e.g. if they should deviate.
- Whether an appointment for a return journey should also be created automatically.
5. Â You can customise the addresses using the arrow icons next to the start and destination addresses.
6. Â Click on Create travel time appointment and the appointments will be created.
7. Â You can use the map symbol to send your journey time calculation to Apple Maps and use it for navigation, e.g. in your vehicle in Apple Carplay.
Related articles:
What default settings can I make in the traveltime calculation?
I get an error in the traveltime calculation. What is the reason for this?
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