The process of filling in the same form for different people in Daylite, or a series of forms for one person, is often very time-consuming and prone to errors. With the help of the Form batch entry function of the Daylite App ProductivityTools, you can greatly simplify and accelerate the process of filling in forms.
This GIF shows how to enter a form for several persons and several forms for one person.
To fill in a form on several persons or several forms on one person the Daylite enhancement ProductivityTools is required
If you want to create a form for more than one person, proceed as follows:
- Select the desired contacts
- Right click the selected contacts and choose Multi form batch entry from the contextual menu
- Now select the desired form
- Check the options that will stay the same with every selected person
- Click Create and next to create the form
If you want to enter more than one form for a person, proceed as follows:
- Select the desired contact
- Right click the selected contact and choose Form batch entry from the contextual
- Now select the first desired form
- Check the options you want to use in the other forms as well
- Click Create and next to create the form
- Select the next desired form
This tutorial explains how to turn a menu bar function like Multi form Batch Entry or Form batch entry into a right mouse button action.
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